ANGELICO, Fra. Annunciation (Cell 3). 1440-42.
Fresco. Convento di San Marco, Florence. |
The Advent meditation this week concerns the task of waiting. The practice of waiting is a spiritual discipline, for it involves the requisite fruit of the spirit, patience, which in Latin means at root "to suffer." Advent obliges us to practice patience in the opportunity of waiting for Christmas, the first coming of Jesus; it also obliges us us to wait properly for the second coming of Christ. In this sense it will be instructive to remember a time when people could not wait properly. Recall the story of Moses and the golden calf at Sinai. The people of Israel grew tired of waiting for Moses to come down the mountain, so they lost faith and Romans 1 is fulfilled. How many people, including Christians, do this today? They get tired of waiting for Christ to come back down the mountain as He promised, and so they make for themselves an idol.
- Pray
- Reviewed Essay Prompts for the Final:
- Lecture on Book VI-VIII of Ballad of the White Horse
- Take notes
- Review HW:
- Study for Oral Exam for Monday!
- Recall keys ideas from all books thus far
- Think of the common themes
- Review and study notes on The Ballad:
- Check the Essay Prompts for the Final
- Be good.
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