Monday, February 17, 2014

Christ Among the Doctors

DÜRER, Albrecht. Christ Among the Doctors.
1506. Oil on panel. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid.
We are in ordinary time now, but as we approach the season of Lent on the Church Calendar, we ought not neglect our preparation for Pascha. How do we this? We do this by meditating on The Life that gives life to our calendar, we are careful not to overlook the seemingly innocuous events in the Christ's life, before he enters into Jerusalem.
Last week, we celebrated not the super bowl but something much more important: the Feast of the Presentation in the Temple. After Christ was presented and when he grown as a boy, he mistakenly is left behind during a trip to Jerusalem. He is found by his frantic parents in "his father's house" and being "about his father's business." This week let us recall this strange and profound scene: as they find him, "he said to them: 'How is it that you sought me?' did you not know, that I must be about my father's business?" The boy Jesus is not without a deep sense of irony. Here, dialoging with the priest and "doctors" on theological matters, the "fairest Lord Jesus" is seen in striking contrast to the ugliness of the pharisees, who are depicted, by Durer, as monsters.

Agenda for Monday, February 17:
  1. Pray
  2. Latin for the Week: Momento Mori.
    1. "Remember you're gonna die." An aphoristic fragment from the middle ages consistent with the Biblical wisdom to number our days. 
  3. Macbeth Presentations
  4. Read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight!
  5. Review HW:
    1. Finish Sir Gawain. Quiz Wednesday! (2/19)
    2. Study Grammar Notes on Pronoun Reference. Quiz tomorrow!
    3. Gawain Poetry Projects! (Due 2/25)
    4. Be perfect.
Agenda for Tuesday, February 18:
  1. Pray
  2. Finish Macbeth Presentations
  3. Grammar Quiz: Pronoun Reference 23-1
    1. Collect, grade and discuss
  4. Read and discuss Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  5. Reading Journal: Gawain and Virtue
  6. Review HW:
    1. Finish Sir Gawain. Quiz Wednesday! (2/19)
    2. Gawain Poetry Projects! (Due 2/25)
    3. Be perfect.
Agenda for Wednesday, February 19:
  1. Pray
  2. Reading Check Quiz: Sir Gawain to the end
    1. Discuss and discuss
  3. Work on Gawain Poetry Projects
  4. Review HW:
    1. Study Gawain Notes and Reading Journals
    2. Gawain Poetry Projects! (Due 2/25)
    3. Be perfect.
Agenda for Thursday, February 20:
  1. Pray
  2. Read and discuss Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  3. Discuss essay topics for Gawain
  4. Review HW:
    1. Study Gawain Notes and Reading Journals
    2. Gawain Poetry Projects! (Due 2/20)
    3. Be perfect.
Agenda for Friday, February 21:
  1. Pray
  2. Sir Gawain Exam
  3. Discuss essay prompts
  4. Review HW:
    1. Study Gawain Notes and Reading Journals and prepare for essay next week!
    2. Gawain Poetry Projects! (Due 2/20)
    3. Be perfect.

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