- Faeder ure.
- Read and study Beowulf (Sessions I and II in Omnibus)
- Reading Journal (10/18): Lines 1-490
- How does he describe the 12-year reign of Grendel over Heorot? Why doesn't attack the throne?
- To whom do the Danes turn for help in this bitter time of Grendel's harassing?
- Who comes to their aid? What do we learn of him? From whence does he come? What heroic deeds are attributed to him?
- What does the Scripture say about heroism? Look up 2 Sam. 23:8-39.
- What does the Bible say about monsters? Are or were there monsters really? Give references.
- What is the cultural evil inherent in Hrothgar's story about how he "healed the feud" started by Beowulf's father?
- What does the Bible say about vengeance and settling feuds?
- Review HW:
- Read Beowulf, lines 258-490
- Study & review Anglo Saxon England Notes.
- Be wise.
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