Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Augustine and the Problem of Evil

GOSSART, Jan. View of the Colosseum Seen from the West.
1509. Pen and brown ink over black chalk. Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Today we are concluding our discussion of Augustine's solution to the problem of evil. The problem centers on our understanding of what evil actually is. Is it a thing? If it is, what is its substance? "Whence comes evil?" as Augustine asks.

  1. Pater noster
  2. Read Confessions silently
  3. Finish RJ on Augustine's and the Problem of Evil: A Logical Analysis
    1. Re-read Book VII: 12
  4. Confessions Quiz: Books 5-9
  5. Begin drafting Confessions Essay:
    1. Invention
    2. Arrangement 
  6. Review HW:
    1. Confessions Essay
    2. Read Books X - XI by Friday (9/15)

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